Use our All-in-One platform to turn Leads into Clients. It's a one-stop-shop for lead nurturing, client retention & referrals. Automatically make calls, send messages, and drop voicemails with the click of a button from one easy-to-use dashboard!

  • The automated text messages are perfect because they keep in touch with customers without having the hassle of calling or leaving a message!

  • Automatic call tracking & recording for quality assurance and loss prevention

  • Easy-to-Use power dialer allows for maximum effectiveness when dialing leads

  • Easily integrate Email, Text, Webchat, Phone calls, GMB & FB Messenger

  • Replace Calendly or any other online calendar software with our integrated calendar Integrates with your google calendar to ensure you never miss an appointment!

  • Quickly launch landing pages and funnels to capture more leads

While you're building your own lead engine, your best source of leads is the Integrity Lead Center. Brand new leads retail at $9 and aged leads are $1-6.

We've put together a short-list of the best vendors specializing in internet to direct-mail to social media lead generation.

When working leads, your success is directly related to your having the correct frame of mind. The wrong frame of mind will wash you right out the business. Read through this and understand it before investing in your first batch of leads:


“SO, YOU DON’T REMEMBER?” Have you said this before?

We see this ALL THE TIME. Agents complain because certain “leads are bad”. So, we ask them about what types of things they are saying at the beginning of the conversation…

  • Do you remember filling this out?

  • Do you have a few minutes?

  • Did I catch you at a bad time?

WHENEVER you are tempted to ask a “yes” or “no” question like that, pinch yourself or smack yourself if need be, unless you just love making things harder for yourself. Just STOP IT!

The first rule to overcoming objections is to remember that you are ALWAYS going to get them... yes, tons of them. 

You signed up to be a salesperson, which has the #1 failure rate out of all careers. Remind yourself that the kitchen is ALWAYS going to be hot so if you can’t take the heat... well you know how the saying goes 😎

You must be ready or else!

Secondly, there’s also a simple formula to use when handling objections. 

There’s no need to memorize 856 specific rebuttals. You have to remember that you are the educated and licensed professional in this conversation and you must MAINTAIN CONTROL. 

With that said, whenever a prospect throws a smokescreen at you, simply ACKNOWLEDGE it by saying something like, ”no problem” or ”I get it” and then immediately REDIRECT them (because you’re the Pilot) and say ”as I was saying” and get them back on course.


There are two main objections to watch for when working these leads:

1. “I don’t remember“ or “I never filled anything out“

Again, remind yourself that if every person you spoke with had their checking account number ready as soon as you said hello; EVERYONE would be a salesperson. 

Also, it’s quite likely that you caught them off guard and even if there was a scheduled appointment, many of our prospects will forget. 

So put yourselves in their shoes. If someone called you, that you didn’t know, weren’t prepared for, AND interrupted your favorite TV show, would you answer the phone (you probably only answered by accident anyhow) with a delightful tone prepared to engage a stranger in a conversation about insurance? 

The answer is emphatically, “Heck NO!”

You must beat this idea into your head regularly. If not, and you let the “I don’t remember“ get you flustered 45 times a day, this probably isn’t the right career path for you.

2: “I’m too busy to talk right now“.

As was just mentioned, you most likely caught them off-guard and this is the most humanly natural thing to say to see if they can get you off the phone ASAP. 

Also, remember the FORMULA. You must keep control of the airplane. If you let them take over as the pilot, you’ll both surely crash. 

Acknowledge the objection with “no problem“ or “I get it“ and then say something like “I’ll just give you the quick version then“ and redirect them to wherever you were in your pitch.


It should be obvious that our strategy with leads is to capitalize on the old adage that an agent can never have too many leads to call on. 

In fact, it does wonders for your mindset to know that no matter how many people tell you “NO“ today; you still have more leads than you could possibly contact. So, on to the next!

The leads we recommend are what’s referred to as internet leads. Prospects have recently submitted information online either through an ad on social media such as FB or even a Google Banner ad. 

We can’t emphasize enough how critical it is to have the right frame of mind when working these leads. 

These leads are not $50 high-intent direct-mail leads

Simply imagine if you were surfing the inter-webs and something caught your eye, but you were really more focused on how many likes you got on your last post. 

You’d ”maybe” semi-remember doing that if you were lucky. 

So, remind yourself that we are playing the numbers game. You can either roll the dice and pay $30-50 a pop for so-called high-intent leads (which still have a questionable closing percentage) OR you can get upwards of 75-100 internet leads every week, that’s 20 new leads every day on average, forever. 

Consistent numbers always win over time. They just do.

Let’s throw tons of numbers at the wall and let gravity do its thing! 

Studies have shown again and again that the same people who fill out forms for things usually have filled out 3-5 similar forms within the past 90 days. 

Ask yourself, are you going to be the one who can push through the objections and smokescreens, talk to more prospects, and get them a policy or are you going to make another excuse and let the true CLOSERS come behind you and seal the deal? We guarantee you there are other agents going through this content right now licking their lips to get after this and they’ll gladly take the business that you give up on too easily.


We will never pretend to tell you what a closing percentage is for a certain lead. 

In fact, most “lead vendors“ and marketing organizations who use a high closing percentage to advertise their leads are pulling your leg just to increase their revenue. 

Closing % is always in direct proportion to your drive and work ethic and your system.

So, with that in mind, we’ve found there ARE similar characteristics shared among our top selling insurance agents:

  • They have a set schedule everyday for working leads and they don’t allow any excuse to deviate from that.

  • They commit to contacting each new lead that drops into the system immediately because they know that the longer they wait the worse their closing % will be.

  • They are determined to “settle” every lead. If they get 20 leads today, they aren’t clocking out until they have completed correspondence with each prospect OR, at minimum, attempted to double/triple dial them at different times throughout the day.

SO, are you ready to commit? Can you keep your head down for 60-90 days without looking up and only then evaluate your results? Well, if so.... 

We created this platform because we want you to win. The tools are there for you so let’s start this engine and get after it!

Many of us have been selling insurance at a high level for two decades now. We’ve won numerous incentive trips, plaques, and all kinds of other accolades. 

We’ve also seen more agents give up than we can count. 

Do you have what it takes? Seriously... or are you prone to make excuses? Is nothing ever your fault? Do you believe the reason you aren’t making sales is all because of your upline, or your leads, or your area, or your lack of this or that? Will you stop and think of the conversation you have with yourself each day while you’re working and commit to taking accountability for your activity? 

This issue is THAT critical. You CAN do this and we are here to help you succeed on your journey as an agent!

“PERSISTENCE is key when it comes to getting

what you want in life and business." 

-@Gary Vaynerchuk

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